Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Top 5 Reasons For Not Buying Automated List Builder

Look for the free secret bonus offer worth $47.00 at the end of this review.

So, you just heard about Automated List Builder. You either got an email about it or you were surfing the net or maybe it was wrapped around the brick that crashed through your window. And being the savvy shopper that you are, you decided to see what other people had to say about it before pulling out the plastic. Well in this little review, I'm going to list the top 5 reasons why you should NOT invest in this program.

Reason #1

You feel sorry for Google. You don't want to deprive them of all that adwords money that they are getting from you. You see, when you have a fat juicy list of buyers that are hungry for your products, you simply send out a free email to them and get an awesome conversion rate. You spend way less on paid advertising to people that have never heard of you and need to think about it. People on your massive list already trust your advice and pull out their credit cards faster than any spaghetti-western gunslinger. This leaves paid advertising programs like poor Google adwords out in the cold.

Reason #2

You are a hardcore do-it-yourselfer who hates the idea of having anything done automatically. Autopilot? That's for sissies! You love to spend hours getting subscribers the old fashioned way. You love scratching your head wondering why you got 50 clicks from adwords and only 2 subscribers. You love playing detective and trying to unravel the mystery of why you are still staring at a goose egg on your clickbank account after sending out your sure-fire conversion email. Automated List Builder would take all that fun away.

Reason #3

You love your day job. You can't wait to get out of bed every morning, wolf down your breakfast so that you won't be late for work and then sit in rush hour traffic. You don't want to miss out on one word of that juicy office gossip. You enjoy being constantly reminded that you are on company time and that computers and phones are not for personal use. And you don't know how you would handle being at home all day without a boss telling you what to do and when to do it.

Reason #4

You are a know-it-all. You've been there, done that. You already know how to build a list while you are sleeping. You already know the hidden squeeze page secrets for increasing your conversions up to 200%. You already know how to start your own affiliate program with an army of people selling for you. You already know how to stay out of the spam filter. You already know how to produce a top-quality news letter that subscribers can't wait to read. You already know to create drop-down boxes that people actually like. You already have a massive list that you can easily make money from any day of the week.

Reason #5

You are not an internet marketer. You only go online to goof off, surf the net and check your email. You have no desire to make any money off your computer. It's all just for fun. You like working for your computer not the other way around.

So there you have it: the top 5 reasons for NOT getting your hands on the hottest new product that puts building a massive list of hungry buyers on auto pilot. But if none of those reasons apply to you, there is a place where you can get free bonus goodies when you purchase it from their link. click here now to check it out.

Technorati Tags,

Automated List Builder Scam

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